The “Aktiv” Apartment Building

September 2024 Update

The developer has submitted the responses and requested updates to plans. Below are links to download the documents they submitted on 9/11/2024. We are currently reviewing to see what’s next for us. If you have any questions, feel free to uess the form at the bottom of this page to reach out, OR address questions to Senior Planner Nikole Coleman at the City of Poulsbo,

Response to Public Commentary: Public Comments-Architects Response Doc

Important! Architect is Asking for a deviation on existing set-backs:  Aktiv Deviation Request_08.01.24

Biologists Report Regarding the Poulsbo Creek: Chinook props.Aktiv.2024.07.06_Creek

Architects Responses to the City’s Requests:  RequestforRevisions_AKTIV 062024_Arch Response

Civil Engineer’s Response Regarding Stormwater, Water and Streets:  24.8.20 REV1 Response LTR_Civil

Civil Engineer Plans: 005 SPR REV1_Civil

Architect’s “Updated” Plans: Aktiv_Arch SPR 08.29.24-reduced

Chinook, the owner of the lot located on the corner of Harrison, 9th and HWY 305 has formally submitted an application to the City of Poulsbo for development of the “Aktiv Apartments” Building. This website serves to provide information and updates about the project and it’s impact on the area. 

What’s the impact?

Traffic Congestion and Safety

There’s already a lot of traffic on the existing streets with no plans for improvement. Parking garage exits onto an alley way (9th), Harrison is in poor condition, and 6th has already seen a massive uptick in traffic. Will this building also block access for larger trucks accessing the businesses on 9th? 

Environmental Impact

What is the plan to mitigate run-off from contaminating the Poulsbo Creek, part of the critical ecosystem and aquifer for Poulsbo and Liberty Bay.

Economic Impact

Do Studio and 1 Bedroom apartments meet the current needs of our area? Long/short term rentals on this scale can negatively impact property and rental values. What’s in store for our property taxes?


With no plans to upgrade existing roads, sewers and storms drains, how will this increase impact us?

Community Culture

Does a building of this scale and appearance fit with the established look and feel of teh historic Old Town Poulsbo neighbrhood? 

Noise Pollution

What is being done to mitigate noise from a parking garage and rooftop events? How long will construction noise impact the surrounding area. 

Crime & Vandalism

Auto theft and break-ins are on the rise, a large parking lot and garage will draw attention to our neighborhood. What is to be done to prevent a rise in crime in our neighborhood?

Latest News & Resources

Public Commentary Now Open

Public Commentary Now Open

Public notice is out and we have until the 18th of June to submit our concerns about this development to the City. All comments need to be mailed, emailed or hand-delivered to the City. The email of the Senior Planner, Nikole Coleman, is below at the bottom of the...

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Application is Complete and Under Review

Application is Complete and Under Review

Chinook has completed their application, and it is in review with City planning. Which means if it is accepted by the City, soon will be our 14 day window for public comment. All the plans and application documents can be viewed here.  

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Meeting with City’s Planning Department

Meeting with City’s Planning Department

We met with key people in the City Planning and Engineering/Building to address our concerns about the Aktiv Development. We were informed that the application was sent back to Chinook, as it was incomplete (missing a lighting plan). So the City has not formerly...

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Hydrogeological Impact?

Hydrogeological Impact?

While precedence has been set for existing residential properties bordering or nearing the Poulsbo Creek, what about new developments of this scale? The mapping of the Poulsbo Creek largely shows it as underground here, however a quick walk down 9th you'll see the...

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