The “Aktiv” Apartment Building

Feel free to share your concerns via the contact form on the website. We will share your concerns here, you may be kept anonymous if you wish.

First community member feedback submission:

I really appreciate you putting this together.

A few concerns after reading some of the documentation:
  • Traffic study indicates light traffic on the streets and at the intersections. What kind of weather and what was the time of year for the traffic study? Was it raining, winter, or a day of the week with lighter traffic? A more comprehensive study for more than one day is required. How does church activity impact the traffic study? 3-4 times a week the church hosts an event.
  • Traffic study identified Harrison Street and 9th alley as 25 mph. This is not an attainable or reasonable speed limit.
  • Traffic study identified Harrison Street as two-lanes. This is not a reasonably safe two-lane road and has no markings to identify it as such.
  • Traffic study identifies Harrison Street as having “some” on street parking. This is not true and the parallel parking spots along the church are on church property and not maintained by the city.
  • Traffic study identifies 9th alley as having two-lanes. This is also not a reasonable conclusion.
  • Storm water retention on the north side of the building is underground. This is next to the stream. How does this not impact the stream when constructed? Where does the retained storm runoff go? There are no storm management facilities along 9th alley or Harrison street other than a few old drains where storm water drains directly into the stream.
  • Parking garage security. How do they expect to address crime within or surrounding the parking garage? Crime in the parking garages in Seattle has exploded since Covid started.

– Harrison Resident